“Holding my ground….BECAUSE I NEARLY FELL OVER.....when I saw the beauty of your gift. I cried. Still crying. I am so deeply honoured to receive the crafting of your magic. I am in love with the bag. It deserves it own name.  No one has ever made and gifted me such a finely crafted article before. And the cards! Each one touches the soul.

Thank you for this life long gift.”

— Robert xox

RePurposed ReCycled + ReConstructed Leather

Leather Totes, Satchels, Bags and Adornments made from Vintage Leather garments,Hides and Remnants leftover from wrapped shows, and full grain Leather off-cuts + scraps from boot manufacturing. Each piece is One of One, often Handstitched in construction, pieces stitched together with Vintage Singer 110W114 and 15w95 and Singer Featherweight 222K.